
Chapter 15: Changing World Balance

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Chapter 15 - Changing World Balance (transition chapter to next unit)


The Renaissance – Andrew Craver



  • Originally French for rebirth
  • Cultural development
  • Lasted from between the 14th-17th centuries
  • Revival of learning classics
  • Saw changes in all areas especially art

Famous People:

  • Michelangelo
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Machiavelli
  • Masaccio


Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man


Citation: wikipedia.org


Portugal and Henry the Navigator - John Caudle

  • In the early and mid 1400’s Portugal became involved in the colonization race
  • By 1439 Portugal had already taken over the Azores and soon after (along with the Spanish), they colonized Madeiras and Canaries
  • In this desire for exploration Portugal financed the voyages of Prince Henry the Navigator (1384-1460), a nautical science student
  • He desired to find a trade route that connected Portugal with the Indies
  • 1444-1446 Henry explored the West coast of Africa
  • He was also sent to explore Africa to find the areas of Islam, so that they would know the areas where Christianity must be spread (possibly by war)
  • He was a great explorer of the Atlantic by his exploration in Africa and work in finding trade routes
  • In his late life established the school of Sagres where others could learn about navigation, thus continuing Portuguese colonization and exploration


Bartlett School, "Prince Henry the Navigator." Think Quest. 2000. 14 Nov 2008 <http://library.thinkquest.org/J002678F/prince_henry_the_navigator.htm>.


"Prince Henry the Navigator: Royal Patron of Exploration." Enchanted Learning. 2008. Enchanted Learning. 14 Nov 2008 http://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/page/h/henryprint.shtml.


Both maps show the great contributions Prince Henry the Navigator made in exploring and colonizing (Map 2) the West Coast of Africa in the mid 1400's.


Castille and Aragon- Colt Burgin


  • Castile and Aragon were 2 provinces in Spain
  • They were united by the royal marriage between:
    • Ferdinand- Catholic King of Aragon, and
    • Isabella- Heiress of Castile
  • This marriange united the two provinces and made the United Kingdom
  • The official unicen was made by Charles I in 1516
  • However, Aragon retained its own administrative and representative institutions until the end of the 17th century
  • Aragon-
    • Became part of the Roman Province of HIspania Tarraconensis after Romans defeated Carthingans in the Punic Wars.
  • Castile-
    • Got its name from the vast amount of castles in the area
    • Time periods divided into Old Castile and New Castile



This map shows the provinces of Castile and Aragon. Castile is the areas colored in pink on the map and th Aragon areas are colored in yellow.




"Castile and Aragon." newadvent.org. 14 Nov 2008 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03410b.htm.


"Aragon." Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2004 DVD. CD-ROM.2004 ed.Microsoft,2004.





Francesco Petrarch - JC Bunch


Known as one of the earliest Renaissance humanists Francesco Petrarch, an Italian scholar, was born on July 20, 1304 in Arezzo and died on July 19, 1374, just short of his 70th birthday. As the “father of humanism” he, along with others, created the model for the modern Latin language. Petrarch was credited for creating the sonnetto, known today as the sonnet. He was also known as one of the first people to call he middle ages the dark ages. He toured Europe and shared his work, he also collected manuscripts from all over. Petrarch had many things he done “first”, he was also the “first tourist” he traveled all over just for pleasure alone.


Painting of Francisco Petrarch


Vivaldi Brothers- Will Boggs


  • the Vivaldi Brothers, Vandino and Ugolino Vivaldi, were Italian explorers and merchants from the city of Genoa
  • they planned to sail to India in ten years and this voyage was paid for by Teodisio D'Oria; they sailed around present day Morocco and through the straits of Gibraltar possibly following the African coast as far as Cape Non
  • it is unknown of the Vivaldi's brothers fate and even their exact voyage, however their voyage was one of the first recorded that went from the Meditteranean to the Atlantic
  • another voyager went to search for the Vivaldi brothers, but did not find them; however he did land on the Canary Islands which is where the Vivaldi brothers were thought to land on
  • although the voyage for the Vivaldi brothers was unsuccessful they did encourage otehr explorers to explore the relatively unknown world


 This is a compass similar to the one the Vivaldi brothers used to navigate during their trip. It was created by a former explorer and was a common design for the explorers of the time.

"Vandino and Ugolino Vivaldi." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 12 Nov 2008, 02:17 UTC. 14 Nov 2008 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugolino_Vivaldi


Ethnocentrism-Dalyn Bellingham

  • Is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture
  • A feeling of superiority and one's own culture being better than all others.
  • Through ethnocentrocism, the tendency is to judge other groups and people based upon their language, customs, behavior, traditions, and religion.
  • In order to truly understand people and history, one must be non-ethnocentric and understand others cultures and accept them.

Human sacrifice is different and can be looked at as barbaric, but this was their custom and religion.


"ethnocentrism." Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 14 Nov. 2008. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ethnocentrism>.


Polynesia- Adam Barr

  • Polynesia stayed isolated from the rest of the world during the postclassical period
  • From 600 to 1400, Polynesian culture and influence expanded greatly, reaching nearly all of the areas it covers today.
  • Polynesian culture spread outward from its base in Tahiti, Samoa, and Fiji, collectively called the Society Islands
  • Periodic migration between the Society Islands and Hawaii took place from the seventh century until about the fourteenth century
  • Hawaii culture was very innovative; the people made clothes and fishing nets from grass and other local vegetation

A map of present-day Polynesia, very similar in territory to Polynesia in the postclassical era.



Stearns, Peter. World Civilizations. 4th. New York City: Pearson, 2006.


emerging Ottoman Turks

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